Tuesday, March 25, 2014

4 Months Old

Another month has come and gone with the quickness. I've decided to be a little more structured with this post, so here's some things I know about out sweet little baby Colette:




Weight & Height: I'll update this one after our 4 Month Well Check on Thursday. (Oh no! More Shots! :'( )

Sleep: Colette is very good at putting herself to sleep. She generally goes to sleep around 9:30, wakes up around 6-7 to eat and goes back to sleep until 9 or 10. Lately she's been waking up and wiggling around in her crib between 2-3, but puts herself right back to sleep in the matter of just a couple of minutes.

Clothes/Diapers (Sizes): Right now we're in 3-6/6month clothes and size 2 diapers. And, call me completely out of my mind, but over this last weekend I purchased a small amount of cloth diapers. I don't know what's wrong with me. I have never ever wanted to use them, but for some reason thought I should give them a try. They'll be here late this week so I'll let you know how it goes......

Diet: Still 100% breastfed. We plan on waiting until she's at least 6 months before starting anything else. Although.. you should have seen her eyeing my cheeseburger on Sunday...

Baby Gear Love: Our stroller. We have one of the big Graco RoadRunner travel systems and we love it. When we were on our little outing in Gatlinburg a few weeks ago, we heard a couple different people say how they "are so glad they don't have to use a big stroller anymore" or "can't imagine pushing that thing around" (not to us, but definitely loud enough for us to hear..). But I really love it. I can put everything I need and more in it, and it's still really easy to maneuver. I really don't like to carry things (purse, bags, jacket, drinks) so I think we really found the perfect stroller for us. And it's easy to take around our big yard too.

Milestones/Firsts: Rolling over! Not consistently, but she has rolled back to tummy twice in the last week. She's trying really hard to roll tummy to back but she just can't get over that arm yet.

Likes: Laughing, grabbing, chewing

Dislikes:...not a whole lot. She doesn't like to be put down in her crib if she isn't tired. But that's about it.

Things I Don't Want to Forget: All of it. It seems like I've already forgotten things from just a few short months ago. My favorite part of the day is when she wakes up and I bring her into our room for morning snuggles and laugh time. Sooo cute.


I'm really excited for warmer weather to be rolling around. (Minus mosquitoes and ticks) Colette could really use some outdoors playtime. I am a bit worried about allergies though. We took her around the yard over the weekend and she was sneezy and red-eyed. Of course all of our trees and flowers are bloomed out and we live in one of the top 3 cities for terrible allergies.. so I guess I should have expected it.

I got a new camera and lens last week that I'm super excited about. (Nikon D610 and Micro-Nikkor 105mm lens) I took a couple of shots of my niece with it while she was here. Next up are spring/Easter photos. I'm so excited!

[caption id="attachment_796" align="aligncenter" width="401"]My sweet niece, Aidan My sweet niece, Aidan[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_795" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Our peach tree blossoms. Our peach tree blossoms. And spider web.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_794" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Our SUPERSTAR! Our SUPERSTAR![/caption]


[caption id="attachment_799" align="aligncenter" width="400"]Sweet Girl Sweet Girl[/caption]


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Fantastic Weekend

I'm so glad we didn't decide to cancel our weekend getaway. We had the best time in Gatlinburg and the weather was excellent. Colette  did so well on her first vacation! She only got upset twice and both times we were in the car and she was just tired/hungry. We strolled up and down the strip, visited the aquarium, shopped, had a fancy dinner with my mom and Steve and spent some quality time lounging around in our hotel room playing with the baby.

Cory and I were both surprised at how attentive Colette was at the aquarium. She quite enjoyed watching all the fishes. I also had my first experience with nursing out in public, so that was interesting. It was semi-private as it was in a dark aquarium room, but alas, I succeeded. I don't have any issues with the idea of nursing in public, my problem lies in the awkwardness of getting everything situated. Not to mention Colette flails around like a squirrel falling from a tree. We'll get there one day I think.

[caption id="attachment_790" align="aligncenter" width="532"]Da fisssshhhes Da fisssshhhes[/caption]


Both the aquarium and Saturday dinner at Park Grill were pretty noisy, but Colette didn't seem to mind like I thought she would. I could probably brag on her all day. We did discover she's not much of a fan of sleeping in her pack-n-play, she kicks at it like crazy. Just can't get comfortable in it.

She's officially trying to roll over now. Over the weekend is when she really started trying. And she's so close. Just needs a little more push to get over that chubby little arm. :) IT'S HAPPENING TOO FAST. I just packed away most of her 0-3/ 3 month pj's. Moving on into the 3-6 month category. I'll probably say that things are happening too fast in every blog post from now on.

[caption id="attachment_789" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Tuckered out Tuckered out[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_788" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Just chillin' in the hotel! Love that baby. Just chillin' in the hotel! Love that baby.[/caption]

I'm finding it crazy how love and joy have evolved and intensified in my life. (I know at least one of you out there is scoffing at my mushy sentiments...) In these few short months I can really see and feel the difference in how I love, not just Colette, but Cory and all of my other family and friends. The importance of family means something different now as well. So much love.

Like I told Cory while we were walking to the aquarium on Saturday, I'm just very happy.

