Monday, June 2, 2014

6 Months

And another month has come and gone. Last week Colette turned half a year old. We celebrated with a fantastic trip to the Knoxville Zoo and by discovering 2 more teeth coming in!


Weight: 17lbs 8oz

Height: 28"

Sleep: Hit and miss. I blame the teeth. Most nights she goes down at 9, wiggles around at 3, wakes to eat at 6, then sleeps until 8:30-9. Tuesday night was terrible and she was up every 2 hours (possibly something to do with the shots she got that day as well), but the next night she was out like a light from 9pm-8am.

Clothes/Diapers (Sizes): 6-9 months in clothes and size 3 diapers

Diet: Mostly milk. We started giving her pureed foods once a day about 3 weeks ago... and after a week of that and her not being terribly interested, we gave her a break. We're just now starting agin and will go full force back into it on Monday. So far she's tried sweet potatoes, bananas, and squash. Squash made her cry. She no likey the squash.

Milestones/Firsts: She sits up like a pro and she's so close to crawling I can't stand it. And neither can she. If there's something just out of her reach she gets up on her hands/or knees (not both at the same time yet) and gets sooo frustrated that she can't get what she wants. We also have 2 more teeth coming down as I mentioned earlier! (Top front teeth!) I was changing her diaper  in the back of the car and just happened to look up while her mouth was open and there they were! She's also really sounding out her consonants nows. The bababa's and the dadada's flow like the river.

Likes: Chewing, drooling, chewing, chewing, drooling. She loves to laugh at the dogs when they come around. Loves being outside, going for walks, and playing on a blanket with her toys.

Dislikes: Squash. Shots.

Things I Don’t Want to Forget: The way she's starting to reach out for her mom. So sweet.

As for me: I'm doing great! We're spending a lot of time out of the house when we can on the weekends which is nice since I'm cooped up all week. AND I actually read 3 books last week. (The Divergent trilogy) Every free moment, which is usually only around bed time, I had my nose in the Kindle reading because I couldn't put it down until I got to the end.. and then there was a lot of ugly crying. A lot. I'm generally a really slow reader because I go over every detail, but I started reading Allegiant before Colette woke up Thursday morning and finished it Friday night. Probably a new record for me.


Our pediatrician says she looks great! (We already knew that though ;) ) And Colette actually didn't do too bad with the shots this month either. She wailed for about 30 seconds and then it was over. And it wasn't as loud as it has been in the past. Poor sweet baby.






By the end of the summer, Colette will be a well traveled little girl. In June we'll be flying solo to Michigan for my friends baby shower. (YAY! I'M SO EXCITED!) I'm a little terrified, mainly because I hate flying. I think everything else will be okay. I don't have to take my pack-n-play or carseat and I plan to check a bag, so that's good news! It's certainly a plus that Lindsay already has those things and no baby yet so we can borrow them :) I just have to be prepared to deal with the crying when/if it happens. The flight is roughly 2 hours, so hopefully it'll go smoothly.

After that we've got 2 beach trips and then our big Disney trip. Lots to prepare for!

Here's some photos from the last little while: (TN Aquarium, Knoxville Zoo, Coolidge Park)





[caption id="attachment_906" align="aligncenter" width="560"]A day at the aquarium make for one sleepy baby A day at the aquarium make for one sleepy baby[/caption]













[caption id="attachment_917" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Probably one of the happiest moments of my life Probably one of the happiest moments of my life[/caption]




[caption id="attachment_920" align="aligncenter" width="560"]I'm pretty sure this bird just killed another bird and stole it's feathers I'm pretty sure this bird just killed another bird and stole it's feathers[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_921" align="aligncenter" width="560"]First time in a high chair at a restaurant! First time in a high chair at a restaurant![/caption]





