Monday, November 18, 2013

281st Day of Pregnancy

40 Weeks. 2 days. I'm guessing she's not coming out anytime soon. If I had to put money on a date, I'd go with the 23rd, but then again.. maybe another week after that. Colette seems perfectly content on where she is. Had a doctor's appointment this morning along with an ultrasound just to make sure everything was still alright in there. Things are fine and dandy. Amniotic fluid still up above 10cm (they like it to stay above 6cm) and I'm only about 1.5cm dilated. We go back on Wednesday to check again.

Now that I'm officially on maternity leave I don't really know what to do with my time. The house is fairly clean, there's no laundry, nursery is done, most of the Christmas decorations are out and up... I even finished our birth announcement. All I have to do is drop in a couple of pictures and send it off to the printers. I could use a trip to Hobby Lobby for envelopes... I could go ahead and write out all the addresses for the announcements.... There's something.

We'll probably need groceries for the next week too. There's another thing.

Oh, and I could post another bump picture. There's 3 things I can work on over the next couple of days. I guess I'll spend the rest of my time watching Harry Potter and napping.


Maybe I'll start with the napping! We'll do the rest tomorrow.....

Monday, November 11, 2013

Down to the Wire

Nine months is both too many and not enough. I keep staring at my calendar wondering what I've actually been doing all year.

I feel the tension and stress of impending birth coming on a little more every day. I'm trying to keep that under wraps and keep calm, but there's only so much a lady can do! I scheduled a prenatal massage for tomorrow, so I imagine that will help some.

I know we're as ready as we'll ever be, aside from some general house cleaning. Now we just have to wait. Bags are packed and stacked, including our snack bag and candy basket for the nurses. Birth plan is finalized, contact numbers and potential triage questions printed, list of things to do regarding maternity leave, short-term disability and insurance are printed... camera packed, car seat installed and car cleaned out. Physically we're so ready.

We're due in 6 measly days. I have 4 more days of work left before maternity leave kicks in. I know the general population of first time moms go past their due date, and I certainly hope I'm in that population. I could use a week of not working and pretty much not doing anything.

Here's to making what could possibly be my last week as an incubator count!


Monday, November 4, 2013

The Nursery Update

Well here's some photos of the nursery!

[gallery type="square" ids="663,664,665,666,667,668,669,670,671,672,673,674,675,676,677"]

There's basically noooo natural light in there (or anywhere else in the house for that matter). And yes, I may have already put up a mini Christmas tree.

This past weekend was pretty eventful. One of my childhood BFFs that I grew up next door to came down with her hubby to work on the electrical needs of our house. That includes changing out all the old 2 prong outlets for 3 prongs, some basic maintenance on several spots that have wires just hanging out of the wall, and installing some new light fixtures. Sounds like a pretty tame job....... until you realize the house might have been wired by a small child... or possibly a scurry of squirrels. I can't even begin to tell you all the issues that came up. The most excellent news is that ALL the outlets have been changed out AND the outlet in the nursery bathroom works.. (just as long as you have the hall lights on......Yeah...told you there were some issues). Brandon also got the nursery fan up, thank goodness, because that caused some issues that Cory and I probably couldn't resolve on our own. It was about 11pm when they left last night for their 2 hour drive back home. It was a very long hard-working weekend for them and I couldn't be more thankful that they were here.

And now we're down to less than 2 weeks til our due date, WHOA! This week will be rather busy and next week looks like it's going to be very not busy. We have a doula visit this evening, prenatal massage tomorrow night {YES!}, doctor's appointment Wednesday afternoon, and a work event I've been planning and have to oversee on Wednesday night.

Here's to hoping the next couple of weeks don't drag by very slowly. I'm very much looking forward to sleeping on my back again.