Monday, November 11, 2013

Down to the Wire

Nine months is both too many and not enough. I keep staring at my calendar wondering what I've actually been doing all year.

I feel the tension and stress of impending birth coming on a little more every day. I'm trying to keep that under wraps and keep calm, but there's only so much a lady can do! I scheduled a prenatal massage for tomorrow, so I imagine that will help some.

I know we're as ready as we'll ever be, aside from some general house cleaning. Now we just have to wait. Bags are packed and stacked, including our snack bag and candy basket for the nurses. Birth plan is finalized, contact numbers and potential triage questions printed, list of things to do regarding maternity leave, short-term disability and insurance are printed... camera packed, car seat installed and car cleaned out. Physically we're so ready.

We're due in 6 measly days. I have 4 more days of work left before maternity leave kicks in. I know the general population of first time moms go past their due date, and I certainly hope I'm in that population. I could use a week of not working and pretty much not doing anything.

Here's to making what could possibly be my last week as an incubator count!


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