Monday, November 18, 2013

281st Day of Pregnancy

40 Weeks. 2 days. I'm guessing she's not coming out anytime soon. If I had to put money on a date, I'd go with the 23rd, but then again.. maybe another week after that. Colette seems perfectly content on where she is. Had a doctor's appointment this morning along with an ultrasound just to make sure everything was still alright in there. Things are fine and dandy. Amniotic fluid still up above 10cm (they like it to stay above 6cm) and I'm only about 1.5cm dilated. We go back on Wednesday to check again.

Now that I'm officially on maternity leave I don't really know what to do with my time. The house is fairly clean, there's no laundry, nursery is done, most of the Christmas decorations are out and up... I even finished our birth announcement. All I have to do is drop in a couple of pictures and send it off to the printers. I could use a trip to Hobby Lobby for envelopes... I could go ahead and write out all the addresses for the announcements.... There's something.

We'll probably need groceries for the next week too. There's another thing.

Oh, and I could post another bump picture. There's 3 things I can work on over the next couple of days. I guess I'll spend the rest of my time watching Harry Potter and napping.


Maybe I'll start with the napping! We'll do the rest tomorrow.....

1 comment:

  1. I felt the same way! Address the envelopes NOW. I did it a few months in advance and the 100 of them took me HOURS. There is NO way I would have gotten it done even the first month of her life. Hang in there girl! xo
