Thursday, January 2, 2014

Interesting Percentages

I spend a lot of my time nursing. It feels like most of the day is actually spent doing this.. So I find myself browsing the internet a lot. A few days ago I came across the CDC's 2013 Breastfeeding Report Card. (

I was shocked when I looked at the percentages for my state (Tennessee). We're dead last in the percent of babies that are exclusively breastfed until 6 months (4%) and second to last in percent of babies exclusively breastfed until 3 months (17.9%... Behind Mississippi at 17%). The South in general has fairly low numbers.

I know there's a decent sized margin of error, but still. Those numbers are crazy for something that's so good for both a mom and a babe.

Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no issues with anyone who chooses to use formula for their baby for whatever reason. As I've experienced over the last five weeks, breast feeding is no walk in the park with sunshine and butterflies. You read and hear all the stories about breastfeeding being "a learning experience" and that it "isn't easy" and sometimes "it hurts." For some reason I guess I didn't really read too much into those phrases. Maybe I would have understood better if it said something like, "If you take a cheese grater and rub that on your nips ten times a day, you'll be more prepared for a life of breastfeeding." Those first weeks were hard. Cursing, crying, screaming, and wanting to give it up hard. But I persevered and can finally say we're in good place.

Ahhh, life. Anyway... This was all just to say I was shocked at the numbers and definitely not to judge anyone on their decisions.

[caption id="attachment_724" align="aligncenter" width="560"]The Stats The Stats[/caption]

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