Monday, January 13, 2014

Smiles, Giggles, and Thumb Sucking

Looks like it's been a few days since I posted anything! We're moving along in babyhood way faster then I would like. Colette is certainly filling out those little 0-3 fitted pajamas these days.


She has hair on her head, she smiles like crazy, and just today, she giggled. Can't believe how quickly things change. She loves her swing and watching the sheep spin above her, and she loves when you stick your tongue out and make mouth noises.

Last night she slept from about 11:30pm til 6am. I think it was a fluke as she pretty much slept all day yesterday, probably just a growth spurt!

As for me and dear husband, we stay pretty busy! We actually left the babe with her Grama on Saturday and had a date night. It was excellent. We went to dinner at a place we'd never been before, 1885. It's a very small little place with local cuisine and it was very delicious. Even had carrot cake with a salted caramel cream cheese frosting for dessert. Nom nom nom.. If you're ever in Chattanooga, I definitely recommend it!

I also spent most of Saturday taking down Christmas decorations. If you know me, you know this usually doesn't happen til late March. I was surprised at how quickly it all came down. Now I'm just going to focus on getting the house scrubbed down now that I can get on my hands and knees and move around without a giant belly in the way!

We're having some family photos taken this weekend by our friend and excellent photographer Ashley Hodges. You should check her out, she's fantastic. Hopefully we'll have sessions every few months so when Colette grows up there will actually be photos of me and her together!

Nana and Aunt Katy are also coming down this weekend for a visit. We're pretty excited about that since they haven't seen the baby in a few weeks!

And that's about it for now. I'll try to come up with something more substantial for you read soon!

I'll leave you with this photo of the dinner I currently have simmering on the stove:
