Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I'm No Math Magician and Thoughts on a Birth Plan

Okay, so I lied about being in my third trimester in my last post. *Technically* that doesn't happen for another 2 weeks, but I AM however, 6 months along. Math schmath.

We had our regularly scheduled check up last week and I also took my glucose screen while I was there. And, not to my surprise, got a call yesterday telling me I failed it. The cutoff for passing is 130 mg/dL and I was at 140, so I wasn't too far off. If I could turn back time I wouldn't have eaten that bowl of Cap'n Crunch and banana. But alas, I can do no such thing and I'll be going in for the 3 hour glucose tolerance test tomorrow. I think the only thing I'm worried about it how hangry I'm going to be that I won't be able to eat anything between 12am and 12pm. I usually eat right when I get up or I feel terrible so I can imagine drinking a glucose solution AND not eating won't be pleasant. I may carry a celebratory burrito in my purse for the moment the last blood sample is drawn.


[caption id="attachment_464" align="aligncenter" width="452"]Probably what I'll look like tomorrow. Probably what I'll look like tomorrow.[/caption]


In other news, I've decided to interview a doula next week. Never in my life did I imagine I would ever say those words. My life-long philosophy on childbirth has been, "If I ever have kids, it will be in a hospital with drugs. Lots of drugs." I even felt this way for the first few months of my pregnancy. It's only in the last month or two that I realized I'm not totally sold on that philosophy.

I still plan on birthing at a hospital, there's absolutely no question there. I don't have anything against home-births or water births.. or whatever else someone may choose to do; It's just not for me. But the debate on pain killers and inducing is what's making me rethink the drugs part.

I've ready many, many, biased reports and reviews on natural birth and epidural-assisted births. (I'll let you find these on your own and pick out what you believe to be credible or BS.) My opinion for *myself* is that I will do what ever I can on my own. I don't want to be induced and have no desire for Pitocin to be in my system. I'm also weary about the epidural but not completely impractical. If I get to a point where I just can't take it and there's still time for it, I'll be glad to have it.

So there's the reason for the doula interview. I think it could be beneficial to have someone there who has been though it and can provide extra support for just me and Cory.

I think that's the plan but as the old saying goes, 'the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.'

I'll be sure to update on the doula decision after the interview. That's all for now!


  1. I, too, completely believed that I would birth our baby in a hospital, with an OB, and all the drugs I needed....then, I started to do my research on all these drugs and came to the conclusion that I would try my hardest for a natural, unmediated childbirth. My husband and I have since changed from an OB to a certified nurse midwife and have enrolled and started taking Bradley Method classes to prepare for a natural childbirth. The evidence against all the interventions is difficult to neglect in your decision on how you want your baby to come into this world. But, of course, it's a personal choice every couple needs to make. :-) Good luck!!

  2. I had a drug free birth in a hospital with a mid-wife instead of a doctor. I enjoyed knowing what my body was doing while I was in labor with Ashlyn. It was definitely a rewarding and wonderful experience.
