Monday, August 26, 2013

*Officially* in the Third Trimester

NOW we're in the third trimester! Fully and officially. 28 weeks and 1 day. I promise to post a new picture tomorrow.

Cory and I spent the past weekend in Knoxville for my niece's 10th birthday party. It was a wonderful weekend much like the previous one for the baby shower. We stopped at my favorite restaurant (Louis') to pick up dinner on our way in to my moms. Delicious as always, but I did forget to bring my leftovers back to Chattanooga, so there's that. Saturday we took a trip out to Buy Buy Baby before heading to the birthday party. I'd never been there before and of course we don't have one in Chattanooga. It's a lot like BabiesRus, but to me it seemed like they had a LOT more stuff. And possibly better organized. Then again, we have very limited options when it comes to baby stores and supplies in Chattanooga. We didn't buy anything but it was nice to see what kind of selection they had. I'll probably be back after the next baby shower to pick up the few things we might still need.

I did come across one item that's fairly new in the world of baby things. The Kiinde Twist Universal Direct Pump. It's a breastmilk feeding and storage system. Seems neat and I like the idea of not having to wash bottles constantly. Here's the video for it if you want to know more. There aren't a whole lot of reviews for it since it's relatively new, so that sort of turns me off from it a bit. I don't know.. I'll think it over for a while and try to decided if it's something I'm interested in enough to try out.

I've also been fantasizing and planning our family's first trip to Disney World. The 5th birthday is when Nana likes to take the grandbabies to Disney and it just so happens my nephew will be 5 next October. Now... Colette will just allllmost be one at that time, but maybe if we all stay in a big house we could pull that off... maybe. It's good to dream. Right Cory? Right?! :)

Anywho, here's a couple of pictures from my nieces party!


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We polished off the weekend with a nice little trip to Dollywood on Sunday morning and a delicious fajita dinner on the back deck with the family.

And now it's Monday and back to work.

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