Friday, June 28, 2013

20 Weeks Pic

[caption id="attachment_388" align="aligncenter" width="560"]20 Weeks 20 Weeks[/caption]

Well...... We know...... But we're not telling. :)

I actually have a Harry Potter maternity shirt that I was going to wear for this picture.... but it's still a little big, so look for that a little later. The skirt is excellent and I got it to wear to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter earlier this year. You can find it HERE as well as many other adorable geeky things.

I spent the last week in Oregon with my best friend and her family. It was a delightful trip, but I have to admit that I'm sad I couldn't eat more. This whole pregnancy thing has severely affected my ability to eat a whole meal. And also the ability to drink beer and caffeine. Sure would have liked one of those nice beers from those breweries we went to.... I stuck with root beer.

[caption id="attachment_389" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Oregon Coast Oregon Coast[/caption]

Now that I'm back in Tennessee, I'm just trying to get caught up on some missed work and take it easy. Well, for at least a day or two.

We've picked out and ordered our nursery furniture and nearly have a paint color pick out for the walls. I'd tell you more about that but you'll all find out in due time. I will say, however, that you can expect that information within the next 2-2.5 weeks.

And now I'll leave you with a picture of a box of doughnuts I got from VooDoo Doughnut in Portland.

[caption id="attachment_390" align="aligncenter" width="560"]VooDoo Doughtnut VooDoo Doughtnut[/caption]

1 comment:

  1. This is so creative. You brighten my heart and bring a smile to my life, eapecially lately. Thinking and praying for all of you often.


    Aunt Becky
