Thursday, June 6, 2013

Babymoon and Snoogles

I'm a vacationer. I love going anywhere at anytime. So, I've been thinking about the whole idea of a babymoon. I read a lot of articles that dog the idea (See: 5 Reasons Babymoons Are a Waste of Time and Money), and while I can't completely discredit their reasons, I can certainly see the other side of things. So below are their 5 reasons to not take a babymoon accompanied by reasons of why you should. (And clearly I'm basing my opinions on how I *think* it will be, as I have never been pregnant before.)

1. Your whole life has been one big babymoon.
You have yet to change diapers. You can go see a movie anytime you want. On weekends you can sleep all day. You don't desperately need relaxation and time alone together ... yet.

  • Come August, I'll be 6 months pregnant. Baby showers will be happening, the nursery will need to be in order, the house will need to be in order and probably a million other things that will keep Cory and me plenty busy in the months prior. Taking a few days to ourselves to relax, eat, and mentally prepare for the crazy journey that lies just around the corner seems like an A-OK idea to me.

2. You will appreciate that vacation so much more in a couple of years.
You have never appreciated a nice, quiet night of sleep as much as you do when you're away from your kids who haven't given you a decent night's sleep ... ever. Even the hotel bathroom --with no one else in it or trying to barge in it -- will feel like a magical oasis after you've spent some time being a parent.

  • I have no doubt in my mind that this is probably true. But.. as someone who likes to vacation and will probably love vacationing with my kid(s), I can't say this is any reason not to take a babymoon. At this point, I guess I should probably make it clear that by 'babymoon' or 'vacation' I certainly don't mean flying across the county or the world for some exotic location that will cost the balance of your life savings. I simply mean a getaway that would be relaxing and won't break the bank.

3. Traveling isn't that fun when you're pregnant.
What's a beach without a fruity umbrella drink? There's no horseback riding, no sushi, and no hot tubs. Sure you can still sight see (if you're feet aren't killing you) or lounge around (if you're not too nauseated), but wouldn't you rather wait until you can fully enjoy the vacation?

  • You can't have any of those things when you're not at the beach either.. Well except the fruity umbrella drink, because who says you have to have alcohol in a frozen beverage with an umbrella for it to be drinkable? Again, I don't imagine that on a babymoon you'd want to do much other than relax and take a break. I can't speak for the nausea, but I'd say I could probably still enjoy a virgin pina coloda on a beach under an umbrella with a little nausea.

4. Things can happen.
If you're going to take one then go early on in your pregnancy, because I've seen far too many stories of women in airplanes lately. It's not to say that you should never travel while pregnant, but if you don't have to then the closer to home the better I say.

  • I agree, things CAN happen. Planes are scary. I also agree that you should probably be as close to home as you can be and still get the sense of vacationing. If you can't get there by car in a single day, I'd probably rethink my location.

5. Save your money.
If money is no object then by all means, take all of the vacations you want. But if you're like most of us who have to pick and choose where to spend our pennies, I'd choose to save that cash for all of the things your kid will need ... and a real vacation (where you can drink and eat and do whatever you want) down the line when they're driving you crazy.

  • I don't completely disagree here either. The baby is priority number one and will be for the rest of time. If you can't afford it and would rather play it safe, then by all means, no one is forcing you to do anything. But even penny pinchers can find a good deal on a getaway. With things like VRBO you can basically find somewhere/anywhere to go that's not too far away and for a reasonably cheap price.

Well there you have it. Asinine as I may be in my pre-motherhood perceptions, I think a babymoon is well worth a couple of pennies to take a moment with my husband before everything in our crazy spastic life changes. That said, Cory and I are spending Labor Day weekend on the beach in Garden City.... probably with fruity drinks and hot dogs from Sam's Corner and she crab soup from the Dead Dog Saloon.

[caption id="attachment_365" align="aligncenter" width="560"]At Sanibel Island, Florida for New Years 2012. We certainly love the beach. At Sanibel Island, Florida for New Years 2012. We certainly love the beach.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_366" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Garden City July 2012 Garden City July 2012[/caption]


I'd also like to take a moment and publicly thank Cory and the maker of Snoogles. I used to always sleep in the fetal position, but in the last year or so I stopped because it was killing my shoulders. Thanks to the Snoogle, I don't have that problem anymore. Cory will probably regret getting it for me one day after baby Taylor is born, but if he decides to toss it, I will likely end up like Jennifer Lopez in The Backup Plan, digging through the dumpster to get it back.


  1. I had not heard of a snoogle pillow. Its amazing. I WANT ONE. I'm going to get one.. I'm glad you posted a link. Sounds like it works well. :)

  2. Absolutely, It's like an adult boppy!

  3. Oh! And I hope your babymoon is all you could hope for, and more. :)

  4. First off-let me just say that the actual boppy makes a great pillow, too! I have taken many a couch nap with ours. :D
    I love the idea of a babymoon, and we totally would have taken one if we'd had the means! The great thing about parenting and the internet is that no matter WHAT you are doing, someone somewhere out there is going to tell you that you are doing it wrong. So trusting your instincts and doing what works for you in your situation is the best thing for you and your baby. As long as you're not strung out on heroine and guzzling whiskey like it's going out of style-I promise things will turn out fine. (and many of those women somehow still manage to have perfectly healthy babies...)
    My one piece of advice would be to talk to your OB about scheduling a quick extra visit within a few days of your vacation. Just to get the piece of mind of a clean bill of health before you're a good distance from home. The scariest thing about my situation was that I felt totally normal, even though I was incredibly sick. The only reason we went to the hospital the day I was admitted was to get some extra lab work, because my blood pressure was suddenly off the charts at my doctor visit that morning. I had absolutely no indication of how sick I was, and I had Margot two days later. I don't want to scare you, I just want for you and your little one to be perfectly happy and healthy.
    Have fun!

  5. That is super excellent advice. Although you did catch me, I tend to stay pretty strung out on heroine these days. ;) I will definitely make a note to put in an extra OB visit. Thanks, Katrina!

  6. Enjoy the babymoon and virgin piƱa colada! And maybe re-enact the making of your bun in the oven:)
