Thursday, May 30, 2013

Food and Fitness

I love food and I loathe fitness. If you know me personally, then you probably know that's not a secret. Now that have to be more conscious of my actions, I can't say I've done a really terrible job.

  • I don't eat more than I used to at this point. I feel really terrible if I get hungry and I can't eat right away, but I can't say I eat more. I still don't have any real cravings, and still do have some of the food aversions I mentioned in an earlier post.

  • I've cut caffeine out (except that one tall decaf iced latte, that one glass of Sunkist, and some chocolate here and there) almost completely. I still have a sprite or cherry 7-up every now and then, but I drink mainly water. (*pats self on back*)

  • I eat a lot less fast food now, mainly because I really have no interest in it. I'll eat it if it really comes down to it, but I would rather eat an egg sandwich or something small from home.

And that's really it as far as food is concerned. It's pretty normal thus far which is why I haven't really gained a lot of weight thankfully. I'm currently 15 weeks and 5 days and I've gain about 2-3 pounds. Hopefully I can continue that healthy weight-gaining trend and not be a complete cow in my third trimester. The thought of a 10+ pound baby scares both me and my body.

As for fitness, I haven't totally delved into it yet. I went from playing roller derby 3 times a week to super sedentary in my first trimester because of the nausea and fatigue, and now I'm ready to get into some sort of routine that will keep me healthy, not to mention it'll be easier to go back to roller derby if I decided to do that after baby Taylor is born. I miss skating quite a bit, but know that's just not the safest form of exercise for me right now.

[caption id="attachment_361" align="aligncenter" width="560"]I'm on the left with the fancy hair and bow. I'm on the left with the fancy hair and bow. What a group of sexy ladies, right?![/caption]


So for the last week I've been looking into short prenatal workouts on the internet. I think my favorite ones so far are from FitSugar. They have short, 10 minutes workouts that target specific areas and are geared for pregnant women. I've done the legs, arms, and Heidi Klum workout without getting too hot or winded and I definitely didn't feel like I was straining myself. I do, however, feel the burn and the strengthening happening. I like that they're short so I can fit them in whenever, and that they actually go along with you in the workout instead of just telling you a few moves you can do. There's a few more videos other than the ones I mentioned above, but that's about it. Oh, I also tried the yoga stretching which was nice, but I think I might try to find something a little different for that aspect because I don't like the music and I'd probably want a little more than 10 minutes in a yoga workout. I need more than 10 minutes to be zen.

My goal is to do one 10 minute workout plus one yoga workout everyday, resting on the weekends. Of course I say resting, but what I really mean is preparing for baby which is enough of a workout for anyone, pregnant or not.


In other news, my new desk came in today, so we'll get that set up tonight. And EPB is coming out tomorrow to supply the den with another internet line. That officially means we can clean out the nursery over the weekend! Hooray! OOO AND I ordered a shirt that will be here next week that I'll be wearing in my next 16 weeks pic. You should be really excited. I know I am.

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