Monday, October 28, 2013

Baby Photography

What? Another post within 24 hours?! Crazy. This is my 45th post on this particular blog which well exceeds any other blog I've had. Congratulations to me!

Anywho. I thought I'd take a moment to show you a couple of things I've been working on for my up and coming baby photography business. Any by that I mean, the business of taking photos of my own baby. I'm no baby photographer, but I'm pretty excited about taking photos of my own little model.

A month or so ago I finished the backdrop holder and over this last weekend I finally finished the posing bean bag. Rolling around on the floor to get it cut out was not fun, but I got it done. Here's the finished products. *Full disclosure.... These are terrible iPhone photos*

[caption id="attachment_654" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Backdrop Holder and Posing Bag Backdrop Holder and Posing Bag[/caption]

The backdrop holder is 3/4" PVC pipe and the posing bag is flannel backed vinyl with bean bag filling. This project ran me about $100 total. The most expensive part is the bean bag filling at about $15 a bag and you need about 4 bags. If you happen to have old bean bags lying around or can find them at yard sales, you can get by a lot cheaper!

Tutorial for the posing bag HERE.

Tutorial for the backdrop holder HERE.

Non-DIY posing bags run about $75-80 (with NO BEANS... and remember I said that was the bulk of the cost....) and blanket/backdrop stand about $50 (for the one I made up there) to about $200 for a real one.

I consider this a win in my book. I also found some great blankets/throws at Ross for a little over $10/ each. I'm so excited!

[caption id="attachment_655" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Stand with blanket Stand with blanket[/caption]


Pretty soon I'll be able to put baby Colette on there and take billions of pictures with my real cameras and lights and most definitely not and iPhone. I hope you're all ready for Christmas pictures.


[caption id="attachment_656" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Sheep. Sheep.[/caption]

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