Thursday, October 17, 2013

What A Morning

Last night when I was thinking of blog titles the first thing that came to mind was "A Peaceful, Easy Feeling."

I'll have to save that for another day.

It's been a busy week for the Taylor's, but a good kind of busy. We had a baby safety class on Monday night and a childbirth class last night that included a tour of the women's services area. I'd been in there once before, but at that time wasn't really thinking about having any kids yet. It's a really small place so there won't be too much hassle when it's time to go and the birthing suites are really nice. I think the baby classes were pretty successful in terrifying Cory and getting me a little more familiar with the hospitals policies.

And then we had a doctor's appointment this morning. Sort of.

The last 4 or so visits we've been to have had exceptionally long waiting times. I thought today was no different but after an hour and a half of watching EVERYONE in the waiting room come and go, Cory got up to ask what the deal was. Well, I had been marked off the sign in sheet but not checked-in and my doctor had already left for an emergency. *Insert rage here* I was not only incredibly irritated, but I hadn't eaten anything yet which made me very hanrgy. As I've noted in a previous post. You won't like me when I'm hangry.

After storming out and a fruitless 40 minute drive back home, I got a call to reschedule and they're also throwing in a free 3D ultrasound. So, it could be worse. Although I will say I'm not terribly fond of the 3D ultrasounds. The images of the babies all squished in there freak me out a little bit. You won't be getting posts of those.

End ranting.

I feel like I've posted a few negative Nancy posts recently and I apologize. I'm actually feeling pretty content. The list of things to do is still large but I feel like we're finally in a place that if Colette decided to show up early, we'd have everything we need in place and the rest could wait. We actually have way more than she could possibly need, but being the taurus I am, I feel like she needs to have a lot of "things." The last of the 'things' on my list came yesterday, THE DIAPER BAG. Wahoo. And I do love it. The label on it boasts about it's simple design and superior functionality and that's exactly what I wanted. (SoYoung Charlie Bag).

Next week is going to be busy as well! We have a prenatal appointment with a pediatrician, our weekly check-up and ultrasound, and thank you notes to send out! I'm such a failure when it comes to thank you notes. BUT THEY'RE COMING FOR YOU, I PROMISE! We are incredibly thankful for everything and everyone who's blessed us with gifts and love. We're (and by we I mean me..) just a little slow in the *need to get things done* category.

Well, let's get back to work! We're down to one month exactly before my due date and maternity leave and I'm officially freaked out that I'm not going to get all my work to a place where someone can take over. Eeek.

I leave you with this baby bunny.


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