Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

I love Halloween! I have about fifteen 55 gallon tubs of Halloween decorations to prove it. Unfortunately there is very little Halloween spirit/decorations in the Taylor household this year, but that's okay. It'll just be more exciting next year with a little girl who will be into everything!

Cory put together the bookshelf for the nursery last night so I was finally able to finish putting things in their place. As soon as we get the new fan up this weekend I'll take some photos for your viewing pleasure!


For now, here's a baby bump (or .. more like mountain now) photo.

[caption id="attachment_659" align="aligncenter" width="560"]37 Weeks and 5 Days! 37 Weeks and 5 Days![/caption]


I think I definitely feel pregnant now. The first 37 weeks were a breeze and I really have nothing to complain about. But as of Tuesday, I'm thinkin' she definitely wants outta there. No braxton hicks that I've noticed, just sharp pains when I sit or lay down that feel like she's using talons to burrow into the ole pelvis.

We're so close to the end/beginning! Hopefully nothing crazy happens between now and Sunday. We're having our driveway concreted and our cars are currently at the very end which is about 2.5 football fields away and surrounded by dark scary woods and a cemetery...


  1. Just drive in your lawn, like a true southerner! haha

  2. Oh trust me... if there was a lawn, I would ABSOLUTELY be driving in it.. but it's wooded allll the way down *cries* I'm trying not to leave the house because the walk back *up* the sloping hill is torture!
