Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Good Night's Sleep

Amazing. Our little one did so well last night. No crying or whining. I got up twice to feed her and she went right back to sleep both times. Mom and dad both got sleep.

In light of this new found sleep, I feel like I left a few things out of my last post that I did want to mention.


We have two dogs, a beagle/terrier mix and a Weimaraner. One of the big stressors for me in the first couple of days home came from my poor little (90lb) weim, Max. With all the excitement and stimulation we brought home with the new baby we also brought home a feeling of dread for Max. He immediately started acting off. I know I mentioned in an earlier post about him having a seizure while I was home alone, and I knew from his actions that another one was coming on. I was extremely stressed out about it. It's the most terrible thing to witness and know you can't do anything about it. His symptoms lasted a little while before he actually started seizing. My sister and Cory took him outside right before it happened. I stayed far away. When the episode was over he ended up running away. The temperature was near freezing with rain and the two of them searched all over the neighborhood for him. Cory finally found him at a dead end, in a confused state, but he got into the car and came home. The effects from this seizure, unlike the last, lasted for a couple of days. I was certain I was spending my last hours with him and I had to find some way to cope with that and having a new baby. It didn't go so well.

I am happy to report that Max is doing better now, but he's still pretty afraid of the baby. He warms up a little tiny bit each day. We went from Max not being able to be around Colette at all, to him coming up and sniffing her on Friday. I somehow caught that one on my phone:

[caption id="attachment_694" align="aligncenter" width="560"]The First Sniff The First Sniff[/caption]


Note the terrified eyes. Poor guy. Our other dog, Ace is completely fine with the baby. He generally comes up and licks her once then just stares at her. He'll follow us all over the house, protecting us from evil, no doubt.

We also took our first trip out of the house yesterday (for something other than a doctor's appointment). A Target trip, in fact, to get baby girl a Christmas dress. It was interesting to see how strategically we managed that. We woke up I fed her, handed her off to Cory, took a shower, got her back from Cory and while he got ready I fed her again, got her dressed while Cory fixed the carseat and loaded up, then we were off. We got to the (completely-overpacked-Christmas-rush) Target, picked out a dress and a couple of button up onesies (whoever decided babies should have clothes that can't be zipped or buttoned all the way up should be put in time out..), grabbed a couple things from the grocery section and headed out the door. We got home just in time to feed again. And nap. It worked out incredibly well.

Thus far today has gone pretty well too! Cory went out and got us breakfast, and we've been able to get some cleaning (and another blog!) done.

I ordered a continuous light boom kit last night so I can take some better newborn pictures of our dear daughter. As soon as that comes in you can expect those pictures I promised. My goal is to not go overboard with the pictures on the internet. He whole life from conception to now is documented in this blog, so I'm going to try and keep the photos to a minimum. The internet is forever. Eventually, my plan for the blog is to turn all my posts into yearly books. One for the pregnancy and so on, always ending with a birthday. Hopefully I'll remember that.

I was able to take some Christmas photos for the Christmas cards I designed a few weeks ago and send those off on Friday. They should be arriving tomorrow, so I'll stuff them into the envelopes I already addressed, stamp them and send them off on Tuesday! I'm excited for everyone to see them!

Well I think that's all for now. Might be time to sneak in a little nap before little one wakes up and decided it's time to feast again.

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