Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Feeling a Little Like Superwoman

Of course now that I've typed the title I can slowly feel the fatigue coming over me. And hunger.

I spoke a little too soon on that last post, because the following night was terrible. I had a bit of a breakdown. But here we are a few days later and I'm feeling like I can get through anything (except maybe the TV shows that have been stockpiling on the DVR). I have to say I would probably be in a closet crying somewhere if it weren't for that husband of mine keeping his cool and keeping me sane. Love that guy.

We had her two week check up on Monday. Sweet little thing is doing very well, has grown from 20" to 21.75".. and from 7lb 13oz to 8lb 10oz. At least now I understand why she wants to nurse ALL THE TIME.

Last night we put little baby Colette in her crib when it was time for us to go to bed. It went surprisingly well. Of course, I'm not sure I slept a whole lot for staring into the baby monitor making sure she was still alive. She wasn't too fussy.. maybe a little gassy, but not upset. And we may have tried to overeat at one of our nightly feedings which resulted in a catapult of spit up. But we both survived! Today we went for a stroll around the neighborhood, did some laundry and general cleaning around the house, and now she's sleeping peacefully while I think of something I'd like to have for dinner. Scratch that. Dinner plans taken care of.

Nursing is getting better everyday. We have the occasional off moment, but now that I'm starting to heal up, things go much more smoothly.

As far as postpartum healing is concerned, I think we're in a great place. I don't have any irritation or pain and feel pretty great getting up and down constantly. I've also dropped a lot more weight than I thought I would have. Pre-pregnancy I was around 160, got up to around 183, and now I'm down in the 150's. I'm pretty sure that just means I lost a ton of muscle, but I'll take it for now.

And with that, I hear a baby stirring.


  1. Aren't husbands the best?? Mine had to travel for work when my little one was about 2.5 weeks was ROUGH doing it alone. Makes you appreciate their loving and helping hands. You are doing great!! Keep it up!

  2. Amen to that! I can't imagine going through all this without the extra hands and support. Thanks!
