Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas Card/Birth Announcement

I think everyone has probably received their cards by now. (Sorry if I missed you!) So I thought I would post baby Colette's birth announcement. Here ya go!

[caption id="attachment_702" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Front Front[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_701" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Back Back[/caption]

She's a pretty cute little thing. These were the first photos I took of her using all my stuffs. (Minus any sort of lighting). My boom kit is coming in today so hopefully I'll get to take some more tomorrow!

In other news, we definitely have a night owl on our hands. I found myself calling upon the Goblin King (read: David Bowie) last night to come take this baby far away from me. (Not really.. okay kind of...)So far her pattern is:

  • sleep from 8am-2pm

  • eat

  • hang out in the land of the living for maybe an hour

  • sleep til 5pm

  • eat

  • up til 10pm

  • sleep til 2am

  • eat

  • fuss, eat, scream, eat, scream/fuss, eat til around 8am

It's incredible how long and deeply she sleeps in the morning/daytime. I'd really like to wake her up to feed her more often (for supply purposes... not because she needs to eat more..), but it's literally like trying to wake the dead. Cold wet wash cloths, lights on, talking, diaper changes... nothing can get that girl up unless she's ready.

I should be really thankful that she sleeps for all those hours, but for some reason when it's dark outside I get a lot more frustrated with the inconsolable crying. Usually I give up/tag out around 5am and hand her over to Cory. I think if she did it during the day it wouldn't be so bad. I know "This too shall pass.." and I'll miss these days when they're gone, but that doesn't make it easier!

Ah well, what can ya do. She definitely makes up for all the crying when she's awake in the day. Lots of little grins and sweet faces. Those are the things I'll miss.

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