Monday, December 30, 2013


[caption id="attachment_709" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Christmas Eve Christmas Eve[/caption]

Time is zooming by. Christmas has come and gone and now we're about to ring in a new year. Colette is already 5 weeks old. Where is the Tardis when you need it?

I need to update more. I knew there are a million things I wanted to write about, but now I can't remember any of them.

The holidays have been great. I'm sad they're coming to a close. My little babe has already grown so much, it amazes me. We had a scare on Christmas day. Well, sort of. She spit up a little blood and I calmly freaked out. Luckily the blood was mine. I noticed a little in some of the pumped milk I had from a day or so before. Whew.

She doesn't really have any issues other than that! A little cradle cap, but nothing to worry about! She's on more of a schedule now, with the occasional "I want to nurse every hour on the hour" days. Unfortunately the schedule include staying up most of the day.. and most of the night. The girl just doesn't sleep. I've found myself sleeping in the glider in the nursery a couple of time... did wonders for the neck.

Well, I take it back .The holidays haven't been all great. We lost my Papaw on the 17th. As much sadness as I feel, I can be happy and rejoice in the fact that he's found his real home now. Like I told my sister, I don't know what my granny is gonna do without that old man to nag her all the time. He will be truly missed, and like those that have gone before, (My Granny Jo, Cory's Grandma Clara Nell, and most definitely Cory's father...) I wish Colette would have had the opportunity to meet them as they were all extraordinary people. Again, where is that Tardis?

Now that Christmas is over, I''m ready to start planning 2014 vacations. Actually there's not a whole lot of planning left to do. We're going to beach in August to the beach house that Cory vacationed at with his family nearly every year since he was a baby and to Disney World in October with my family. LET'S GET EXCITED.

I'm looking forward to all the incredible things that are going to happen in 2014.


[caption id="attachment_710" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Proud Mommy and Daddy Proud Mommy and Daddy[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_711" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Our Christmas Party Dress Our Christmas Party Dress[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_712" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Our First Christmas Our First Christmas[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_713" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Four Generations of Love Four Generations of Love[/caption]

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