Thursday, February 27, 2014

Holy 3 Months and Teething, Batman

Our little pumpkin is officially 3 months old now. My, how she's grown. She's always had personality, but it's amazing how much it shines through these days.



Look how fast that hair is growing! Also, we apparently taught her to curtsey this month.

She's happy and giggly (and bubble blowing) most of the time, but let me tell you, last night was probably the worst night we've had in the crying department. We tried rocking her, bouncing her, laying her down, nursing, paci.... alllll the things that normally work. After a solid 30-45 minutes of serious crocodile tears I got a cold wet wash cloth and let her bite on it and it seems to help a little. We finally got out the RazBaby pacifier and that helped even more. So I've officially diagnosed her as teething. We've suspected it for a little while now since she's been chewing on everything (her hands, her bibs, Sophie.... anything she can pick up), and she's quite the droolbox. An adorable droolbox.

In the sleeping department we've regressed a little. She's still going to bed around10:30-11, but instead of sleeping through til 7ish, she also wakes up at 4. It could definitely be worse, so I can't complain there. I think now that she's a little older we'll probably start getting her into a more solidified routine. The hard part about that is that we're not really routine people. We're more of the "fly by the seat of your pants" kind of people, so we'll see how that goes.

We got to spend this last weekend at Nana's house in Knoxville. It was a beautiful weekend with lots of park time, kite flying, family, and food. There's always food. So grood. And this weekend we're going to Gatlinburg, maybe. The trip was part of my Christmas present from Cory. But after last night we're not totally sure it's a good idea. We definitely don't want to ruin someone else's weekend with a screaming little one at night. But maybe we will. Who knows.

That's all for now folks. I leave you with these sweet baby pictures. We're so proud!

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