Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Sickness and Other Fun Tales

I certainly didn't want to waste a single day of my very last week of maternity leave..... and then I woke up at 3am on Wednesday with the most amazing stomach virus. It was so fun.

Cory's mom came over and watched the baby while I did a lot of sleeping and not moving. My fever finally broke around midnight and I couldn't be more grateful for a new day to roll around. I was MUCH better on Thursday. It was hard to not really be able hold my sweet little girl, not only because I was sick, but because I was incredibly tired and my arms felt like jello. I can only hope and pray Colette doesn't get it. I'm not sure I'm prepared to make hospital visits.

We met with the potential nanny on Friday and I'm happy to report we're going to hire her! She's young, but Cory and I both agree that she'd be a good fit for us. We'll be asking her to start next Monday.

So, I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be to go back to work! I've already been getting emails for things to catch me up on all I've missed. I do quite enjoy my job, but it's going to be a lot to take in when I first get back.

And now, Cory is working on getting the baby to sleep.... and I should do the same (for myself.... the baby probably doesn't need both of us to put her to sleep...) I have a million errands to run tomorrow. Babies R Us, Sams Club, JoAnn's, Walmart, Publix..... I already feel like I need a nap.


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