Monday, February 3, 2014

The Final Countdown

It is officially my last week of maternity leave. (WAAAAHHHHHH!)

Still haven't nailed down a caregiver just yet. Fortunately we don't have to rush that.

We've got big news in the Taylor household. Someone is learning to use her hands! On Friday I was watching her kick on her kick-n-play piano mat... then she sorta stopped and picked her little fist up... stared at it... and then hit it against the hanging frog. It was adorable. You could just see all the little synapses firing in her little bitty head. And now just a few days later, she's starting to grasp things and pull them towards her mouth. Happening all too fast. Makes me sad for all the little things like this that I'll miss during the day. We'll just have to tell whoever is watching her that if she does something new, not to tell us... that way we can pretend it's the first time when we see it later.

On another note, I picked up a side job last week (Thanks Abbey!) doing some photoshop work. Finally putting that ole graphic design degree to some use. AND Cory is finally being hired as a contractor at his job. He had previously been an intern.

OH! And we had Colette's 2 month Well check on Tuesday. She's 12lbs 4oz. She had 5 out of 6 vaccinations (1 oral, 4 shots..). They were out of the dTap at the moment, so we'll be going back to get that one later. She squalled for about 2-3 minutes and then she was fine. Slept a little more the rest of the very snowy day.

It was certainly an exciting week.

This week I plan to relish all my day time with that sweet sweet baby of mine. Next week is going to be rooooough.

[caption id="attachment_759" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Play Time! Play Time![/caption]

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy this last week of maternity leave!! 12 lbs, 4 oz, what a healthy girl!! She looks so cute:)
