The snow wasn't much to speak of by the time work was over. Later into the night it really started sticking.. It was a really heavy, wet snow. The electricity started flickering around 9 and I immediately filled up some jugs of water (we have well water so if we lose power, we also lose water) and gathering candles and the flashlight. After putting the baby down for the night around 11 I went to bed as well. A little after midnight Cory woke me up to tell me the power was officially out. We pulled the pack-n-play into our bedroom and moved the baby (who did not wake up, hooray!). Power was still out when we got up. I had a conference call at 8am that I had to dial into, but I was pretty useless for anything else work related without electricity. We eventually trekked (via car) the couple of miles over to Cory mom's for the day.. or so we thought it would only be a day. 25,000 without electricity in the Chattanooga area. We came back to the house a few times a day to make sure the dogs were okay, but we stayed at Cory's mom's Thursday, Friday, and part of Saturday. Our electricity was finally restored late Saturday afternoon.
The saddest part of the electricity being out is all the food that was lost in the refrigerator including, but not limited to, our Valentine's dinner of a 2lb porterhouse steak. I was so sad. I was able to salvage the stash of breastmilk I had in the freezer, so that's good news.
We're lucky we were able to get out of the house and have somewhere to stay. I can't imagine being in the cold house with a baby and no electricity.
For Valentines Day I met Cory for lunch at the best little burger place in Chattanooga, Merv's. So good. For dinner we got (free) Olive Garden take out and spent the night watching TV and playing with the baby. It was supposed to be a no gift holiday, but alas... that husband of my got me a gorgeous diamond and pear necklace. Love that guy. He's too much. We were in Orlando at Magic Kingdom last Valentine's Day, but I think it's safe to say that this year won by a landslide. All because of a sweet little baby.
The electricity was restored just in time, too. Colette's (fairy)godmother came down for the night to visit on Saturday. Much to her dismay, Colette was not very happy to see her. Poor thing. She was actually pretty cranky Saturday and Sunday... and well.. last night too.
And now we're back to another work week. Our nanny started yesterday. She's very sweet. I'll report back on how having the baby in the house is once we've done it a few more times.
Here's a few shots from Snowpocalypse and Valentine's Day.
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