And then, like most crafty things that I don't want to pay a million dollars for, I thought I would just make one myself. I went with a more simplistic design than the gowns from Milk Threads. This is mainly because I'm a novice seamstress *at best.*
I perused the fabrics at JoAnn until I found something super soft yet durable. It's basically a nursery fabric. It feels like a cross between flannel and jersey. Very nice. I bought 3 yards at 40% off and some nice ribbon and paid less than half the price of the pre-made gowns on Etsy.
With all that fabric I was able to make 2 gowns (one for delivery and one for post delivery) and still have enough left over to make a nursing cover.
And here's what I came up with: (Please, forgive the terrible iPhone pictures)
[caption id="attachment_612" align="aligncenter" width="532"]
Super simple with ties at the shoulders for easy nursing access. I would still like to possibly change up the ties and use something a little more like the Milk Thread gowns. Those are a little more sturdy and seem more practical than bows that could possibly just irritate me.
[caption id="attachment_611" align="aligncenter" width="472"]
And, what hospital gown would be complete without a slit up the backside. For modesty's sake, I also put in snaps so my rear-end doesn't completely hang out at all times.
I haven't made the nursing cover yet, we'll see how that goes another day.
Hey could you explain how you did this? Is so darling. I want to attempt one too good this summer when baby comes