Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Rainy Wednesday

It's already nearly 4pm and it feels like I just woke up. Needless to say the rain certainly doesn't help with the serious fatigue that's hit me over the last few weeks.

I've been keeping busy with the house. The day planner is certainly coming in handy for keeping me in check with all the things that really should be done around the house on a daily basis. (Okay.. minus those two days were I really just wanted to sleep all day and not move). I'm happy to say that it's Wednesday and there's no laundry, no dishes, no sweeping, and no counter scrubbing that needs to be done. Our bed is even made. I can't say the same for groceries, though. Since we didn't get back home from Knoxville til Sunday night, I didn't get my usual meal planning and trip to Publix in. Guess I'll be doing that this evening.

Work has been quite busy as well. The end of the fiscal year this month brings lots of meetings and transitions not to mention the transition of my job to someone else while I'm away.

In house news, our bathroom is going to be remodeled next week! HOORAY! I'm very much looking forward to having a bathtub and a vanity that I won't have to break my back at to wash my face. It will be glorious. It will also be nice to have the guest bathroom done, which just needs a little TLC and some tile.

Last night we also had a meeting with our doula. I can't remember if I mentioned that we hired one or not, forgive me if I did. It was a really informative meeting here at the house. I think Cory and I now have a better idea of the things that we really should know and be informed of before we hit the hospital. One thing I learned, that I was a little shocked by, was the rate of natural births in the area. 3%. Yes.... just three. I looked up some other information today and found that 35% of births in Chattanooga alone are cesarean. I wasn't super surprised about the percentage of cesarean births considering the pre-registration packet for the hospital includes information about elective induction. Any who, the reason that was brought up was basically to inform us that this area is not accustomed to performing natural births and if that's the route we really want to go then we need to be prepared for the things that could possibly be offered, to talk to our doctor about her way of typically doing things, and really think about a birth plan and why we're choosing the options we are.

So that's the next task. Really write out a birth plan. Inform myself. I've done a good job of that so far, but with the way my brain has been working lately, it'll be nice to have it out on paper.

And because posts without pictures are boring... here's one of the maternity sash I made a couple of weeks ago.

photo 2

photo 1

My next sewing project will be my bean bag for baby photos.... Assuming I can still waller around on the floor to get the vinyl cut out correctly.

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