Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Maternity Session with Brittany Mauldin

Ahhh. We had an excellent babymoon at Garden City Beach, South Carolina. The weather was great, maybe a little on the hot side, but the water was cool and the food was delicious as always. It was nice to get away for a few days with just Cory and myself.

While we were there we had our professional maternity photos taken. The photographer of choice was Brittany Mauldin. It was quick and painless (even Cory enjoyed it..) and she did an excellent job with different posing and background options. I'm very excited to see how they all turned out. She did post a sneak peak on Facebook that I'm pretty excited about.

[caption id="attachment_598" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Brittany Mauldin Photography Brittany Mauldin Photography[/caption]

If you know me, you know I've been ranting about finding a chiffon dress of some sort for these photos. Everywhere you go on Pinterest you see beautiful pregnant women in these luxurious chiffon wraps and I just couldn't seem to find one. Not one that was reasonably priced anyhow. I couldn't see paying upwards of $200 for something that would most likely get sandy and wet. So I made one myself. Three yards of chiffon fabric (1/2 off at JoAnn, score!) and one hour of my time and I have my very own luxurious chiffon dress. And I think it turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself.

Overall the experience was great (well.. maybe not the getting up at 5am part :) ) But I definitely recommend Brittany to anyone in the Myrtle Beach area that's looking for a photo session. Here are links to her Facebook and Website.

I'll post more photos as soon as I have them!

The rest of our trip was spent laying on the beach, playing in the pavilion arcade, eating, and definitely sleeping.

We did also get sad news over the weekend. My Uncle Gary passed away very early Saturday morning. I didn't really grow up around him like my older siblings did, but it still weighs heavily on the heart to know a family member is no longer with us. Any good vibes or thoughts you can send to my family would be much appreciated.

I hate to end on a sad note, but that's all I've got for the moment. Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!

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