Monday, April 7, 2014

Must... find.. motivation/ Motivation found.

Side note: I started writing this last Thursday... Motivation has been found.


Today I feel very unmotivated. Actually there have been several days out of the last couple of weeks when I've felt like this. I know I don't have to be on the go and doing something every minute of the day, but days like today are terrible. I don't want to work, I don't wanna clean, all I wanna do is spend my day planning my Disney vacation and hanging out with that adorable baby of mine. 

I'm hoping when I finish writing all this out that I'll miraculously be ready to get thing done. We'll see how that goes...

Colette's Fairy Godmother came down last weekend to visit. It went much better than the first time. She didn't cry every time Jill tried to hold her. 

ImageWe also went to our first roller derby bout of the season! I was so excited to see everyone. I miss derby and would love to go back, but I just don't have that kind of time. Maybe when Colette is older and I have more time with her! We didn't stay for the whole game because it was incredibly loud, something I definitely never noticed when playing. Colette did enjoy the program very much though.


--end last Thursday's post. Apparently I was too unmotivated to type up an entire post and publish it...

Now for today's post!

Motivation has returned. Not full force, but I was able to get the house cleaned on Saturday. We had the Branum's over for burgers and hot dogs on Saturday night which is always enjoyable! And Sunday we spent the whole day lounging around the house and playing with the baby. It was the best day ever. We even made a dent in our DVR list. (Thanks to Colette for those really long naps so that could happen!)

OH! And we officially have a rolling machine on our hands. Rolling all over the place. I finally decided to move her crib against the wall so I could mount the monitor. Now we can see the entire crib, which is great because she certainly doesn't stay still too long!

In other news, we took some Easter themed pictures of Colette last night. I'm super excited to share them, but I'll wait til tomorrow for that.



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