Monday, April 22, 2013

10 Weeks and Counting

Ten whole weeks! I know, I know, it's still super early. Most people I know wait to tell everyone until they're safely out of the first trimester, but I'm terrible at keeping my own secrets.

I think the most logical next post for the 'ole blog should be on how I've been feeling and things that have changed. Most of you already know of my unabashed love for food. All of it. I'm not into the discrimination of any kind of food; be it fast, organic, green, home-cooked, of animal origin, of plant origin, from the land or from the sea. Well, that's certainly changed.

Weeks 5-8 proved to be the most difficult so far. I lost my appetite completely (and about 12lbs) and stayed fairly nauseated most of the day. This was particularly hard at Easter when all my favorite foods were being cooked in mass quantities and my heart and soul wanted to devour them all, but my stomach and brain insisted that I do no such thing. I'm getting upset now just thinking about it. Fortunately, that's as bad as things got in terms of morning sickness.

The last couple of weeks have been much better. I started slowly increasing my meal intake and now feel like everything is almost back to normal. Almost.

Here are a few things I still have some issues with:

  • Pizza {Although, I did have small portion of a white, all organic veggie pizza at Grant Park yesterday that didn't give me issues. I think it's mainly anything that would come from a chain pizza place}

  • Mayo based things {*GASP* my most favorite condiment}

  • Leftovers {Once it goes into the fridge.... it's lost forever}

  • Curry {I don't have much of an explanation of this one, but I gag when I think about it}

And here are some things I'd like to have all the time:

  • Cold things {Popsicles, slushies, frozen drinks in general}

  • Fried rice

I can't really think of anything else, food-wise. Another thing that has changed (errrr, completely gone out the window) is my memory. I told someone I work with that I was going to be 28 this year and I fully believed it. It wasn't until a week or so later when I asked Cory how he felt about turning 28 that he reminded me we would only be 27 this year. Terrible.

To distract myself from thinking about being pregnant every minute of everyday, I've been keeping myself occupied with gardening and yard work and really anything I can do outside since the weather has been so nice. I've also been making lists about all the things that need to be done around the house before baby Taylor makes an arrival. It's a long list. A very long list that I'll probably post another time.

I suppose that's it for now. Stay tuned, I'll probably start taking bi-weekly photos very soon.

And I'll leave you with an excellent video from my best friend Jill, in case you missed it on Facebook:

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