Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My Sweet Max

Now that I've had a couple of hours to completely drain myself of tears... (Okay not completely because they still surface every few minutes..).. I guess I can update you on what has been the most traumatic night I've experienced in my life thus far.

Around 4:45 this afternoon I decided to take a little nap before Cory came home. Of course Max and Ace came with me and we all piled into bed. I woke up shortly after to the bed shaking. It was my sweet little Max. I panicked immediately and kept calling him and asking if wanted to go outside. It was like he couldn't see me. He could hear me and he wanted off the bed but he couldn't see the floor to jump. I walked over to him and he leaned against me so I was able to help him off the bed. He was having a very hard time walking but he made it out into the hallway. Once he was there I called Cory and told him something was wrong with Max, at which point Max started to seize and I completely lost my sh*t. I covered him with a towel and just hovered over him for a minute. I felt nothing but absolute terror. It went on for a few minutes and then he stopped. He didn't move, but he was breathing really heavily. He didn't respond to me calling him, but he finally lifted his head and growled at me. I went into the office and closed the door. I heard him get up and walk into the kitchen. He was very disoriented and I had no idea what to do. I took Ace outside to his runner and Cory's brother came over to help get Max into the car so we could take him to the vet. By the time Cory got home, just a couple minutes after max was in the car, Max was visibly better.

When we got to the vet, the drew some blood to send off to the lab, did their best to ease my worries, and sent us on our way. They said to keep an eye on him and not to be worried unless it start happening a lot more often.

We brought him home and and then Cory and I went to grab something to eat. When we got home we gave Max some time outside then I brought him in and gave him a bath.

He's currently laying on the couch with Cory. He's had a rough day, but he seems to be mostly back to being Max. My hopes are that this was a one time thing and that he just got into something he shouldn't have.

Sorry for the depressing post on what's supposed to be a joyous blog! But my pups are my only children until baby Taylor arrives, and I can't imagine either of them not being around!


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