Friday, April 19, 2013

Our New Adventure

Well, as it turns out.. Surprise! Cory and I are expecting our first peanut this Fall! We're both pretty excited and maybe just a little terrified. We had our first ultrasound appointment on April 10 and everything looks good so far.

We were able to keep the joyous news fairly quiet for the first few weeks, only telling close family and super-close friends. Now we're ready to let the whole cat out of the bag and share with the rest of the world.

[caption id="attachment_25" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Our little peanut. Our little peanut.[/caption]

We decided on a blog as an outlet to share our adventures through pregnancy and beyond with our family and friends. One of the main reasons is so we're not cluttering your facebook pages with a million pictures, tales of how terrible I'm really feeling today, and future tales of poo and vomit. This way you only have to read about those things if you really want to!

So here it begins! Hope you'll have as much fun reading this as I will writing it. Try not to laugh too hard because regardless of how many blogs and books I read, I still have no clue what I'm doing. :)

Oh! And by the way, our tentative due date is November 17!


  1. Katie...if you wsit to the 29th she would share Cheynne birthday..I am si excited for you both. You will make wonderful parents!

  2. So happy! Another Grand to love and cherish!

  3. I love you guys and my new niece/nephew! I'm a little disappointed there is only one, but I guess that will have to do. Maybe next time.

  4. Oh my gosh!! Congratulations!!! Y'all are both going to be amazing parents!!! I am so excited to read all about y'all's peanut!!
