Thursday, April 25, 2013

Dream Land

Now that I've had a chance to recover from Max's seizure, I think it's time to post about something more lighthearted. (Max is doing well, by the way. While I was certain, in all my horror, that he would never be the same ole Maximus, it seems I was wrong. Thank God.)

I actually wrote this about 4 hours before Max's seizure with intentions to post yesterday.. but well.. you know. Anyhow, here it is:

You read a lot about dreams becoming more vivid when you're pregnant, and boy, they weren't kidding. The dreams are probably one of the first things I noticed before I even knew I was pregnant.

Generally, (before pregnancy) my vivid dreams were spaced out and didn't occur too often. Now I dream very often and very vividly. Not all of them are worth sharing, but here are some that I think you might get a kick out of. I know I did.

Dream One: I can't remember all the details now since this one was a week or so ago but the cast included Channing Tatum, Myself, and several people from my high school. We were all contestants on American Idol. But this was obviously not a normal American Idol in Hollywood. We were all on boats that docked into a place like Venice, except it had a dome over the whole island. We didn't do any performing in the dream, but I do remember passing Randy Jackson and Mariah Carey on gondolas and having intense discussions.

Dream Two: The most recent dream I had, I dreamed we had a girl. (In real life, however, I still maintain that it will be a boy.) But she came out as big a one year old, even though she was actually several weeks early. We were all excited but disappointed that we hadn't had any baby showers yet. So we really didn't have anything for her (crib, car seat, diapers... etc). Anyway, immediately after delivery I was walking around the room wondering where we were going to have dinner. And as Jill said in real life, "That sounds about right.."

Okay, maybe they aren't as funny written down as they were in my head. Oh well! I'll probably do more dream posts if anything else comes up that funny (to me...) or interesting.

1 comment:

  1. They're funny! Don't worry, the shower is planned for September. You will have everything you need! And yes, food will be one of your first concerns after you give birth. I so enjoy this blog Katie!
