Well here's the first one! No bump yet, but maybe a little bloating. ;) Initially, the chalkboard was a great idea (not exactly original..... but I like it anyway). And then I started lettering....and wiping it off.. and re-lettering... By the time I got to the "0" in 10, I was ready to find a new, and much easier idea. But alas, I had all these supplies, so I barreled through it anyway and I'm moderately happy about the outcome.
These photos will come every 2-3 weeks depending on how patient I'm feeling. Doing them every week would get monotonous and I would run out of typefaces (ones I can almost draw, that is..) fairly quickly.
The plan is to put them all into a book at some point, with other things like the sonograms, poems, craving, etc.
That's all for now folks. :)
How beautiful you are! I'm very emotional at the moment...my baby, having a baby...love you forever and always~ Mom