Monday, April 29, 2013

Preliminary Furniture Shopping

According to my BabyBump phone app, I have somewhere in the ballpark of 200 days to go. As I stare at that number I think to myself... how on earth do I maintain a blog for that long? I know there will be posts about doctor visits and kicking and gender reveals eventually, but what happens in the other 190 days?

I've decided I will most likely go over products and baby gadgets I enjoy to fill in where I literally have nothing else to talk about. Hopefully this will serve as a helpful tool in choosing what products are right for me as a new mom and young mom (and maybe you too if you've happened upon this blog via a search engine or something of the sort).

My mom and I went out yesterday to do a little preliminary baby (window) shopping. This was not a trip intended to purchase anything, but rather a chance just to see what's out there (mainly in terms of nursery furniture). For me, venturing out into the sensory overloaded world of baby this early is probably a good thing. With so much going on, I like knowing that I have time to really go over my options and pick what I truly want rather than something I have to have because I've procrastinated my searching endeavors to the last moment.

Our first stop was at Burlington Coat Factory. Coats? What? Indeed. It's not just a place to get coats. They have a lot of discounted things including baby items. And then we did the obligatory Babies-R-Us run. So many nursery options. Luckily, I already know what "theme" our nursery is going to be so I don't have to worry about that. I really just have to focus on the furniture.

Our nursery will be fairly neutral (please, don't confuse neutral with boring!) with bits of a sagey/baby green. We'll throw another color in there once we find out the sex, but there will definitely be green involved. The main theme will be sheep and lambs. There will be plenty of time to discuss the theme in depth later, when I know more, but for now I'm just going to post a couple of the furniture options we looked at yesterday.

[caption id="attachment_259" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Westwood Geneva Collection Westwood Geneva Collection[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_258" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Suite Bebe Barcelona Collection Suite Bebe Barcelona Collection[/caption]

There were a lot more and if I remember what they were I'll come back and update this post later! We took pictures of most of the things I liked but mom has those :)

1 comment:

  1. They are all so will you ever choose?! Love you.
