Why, Hello there! I feel like my brain is sort of devoid of any communication skills this morning. I was all excited about posting something new and now I'm having a hard time formulating thoughts on anything specific.
I think initially my main goal for this blog was to give a general update on my pregnancy as well as post some info about the nearly 800 page planner I had printed for myself. So we'll start with the update!
(And by the way here is another sneak peak from the maternity session with Brittany Mauldin)
[caption id="attachment_602" align="aligncenter" width="560"]

Feeling a little round in the facial region in this photo.[/caption]
How far along: 29 Weeks, 6 Days
Total weight gain: 13 lbs
Maternity clothes: Absolutely. I bought a couple pairs of maternity jeans a few weeks ago that I imagine I’ll wear every day for the next foreseeable future. And I’ve been wearing maternity shirts for a few months now because they’re flattering and comfortable :)
Stretch marks: None to speak of
Sleep: Fairly well. I don’t usually get up to go to the bathroom or anything, so that’s awesome.
Best moment of this week: A healthy check-up.
Miss anything: Seafood. I know I
can eat it, but my desire to do so has significantly diminished. I also miss the occasional beer as it is the beginning of tailgating season.
Movement: Lots of that. LOTS. Stretching and punching galore. Possibly a couple cases of the hiccups as well.
Food cravings: I don’t really crave anything. I have noticed that I eat a lot more grapes and pancakes though.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Brach’s Juicy Berries Gummies. The scent of them is horrifying and I’m not totally convinced that it has anything to do with pregnancy.
Have you started to show yet: Obv.
Gender: Girl as of 20 weeks… let’s hope there aren’t any surprises when we have our next U/S in about 4 weeks.
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: In. It’s pretty far down there, so I don’t think it’s going to pop out, but who knows.
Wedding rings on or off: Off. I can still wear them, but with the weather so hot and humid, anytime I go outside the house my hands tend to swell a bit and getting my rings stuck on my fingers terrifies me.
Happy or moody most of the time: Generally happy. Cory oftentimes wonders when the pregnancy rage will come out.
Looking forward to: Checking more things off the to-do list. Mainly our master bathroom remodel and the electrical update. Once those two things are done I can finish pretty much everything else, i.e. the nursery.
So there's that! And now onto the day planner.
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The Book[/caption]
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[caption id="attachment_605" align="aligncenter" width="560"]

Spiral bound[/caption]
There's what she looks like! A massive display of organizing goodness on paper. I love technology and being able to pull up a calendar at the touch of a button.... but I REALLY love writing things down and books. As you can see from the photos, the front has a clear cover and the first page is actually a weatherproof material. The backing is cardstock. I did actually ask for a clear binding, but alas, something is always bound to go wrong and since this is my first planner and there are a lot of thing that I already know I want to improve upon for my next one, I let it slide.
Here is a PDF of the basics you'll find inside the planner.
Taylor_Planner_Lite I was initially going to post screen shots, but I think if you're
that interested, you can just download the PDF :)
Here's a list of things you'll find in my planner:
- Yearly Goals
- Important Dates to Remember
- Monthly Calendars
- Monthly Priorities
- Weekly Meal Planning
- Weekly Chores Checklist
- Weekly Cleaning Schedule
- Daily Planning/Routines
- Important Info (Contacts, Medical, Billing, Budgeting)
- Blogging (Editorial Calendar, Possible Series, Future Post Ideas)
- Seasonal Planning/Crafting (Craft Ideas, Party Planning, Seasonal Cleaning)
- Notes
I definitely can't take credit for a lot of the information in here. You'll have to go to
Life As Mom and check out all the things she has about planning and organization. I bought her PDF planner and basically adapted it to my own needs and wants.
When I initially started putting everything together in inDesign, I was thinking about all the little things I wanted to put in design-wise, like quotes and images, etc. But the more I thought about it, the more I really wanted a blank canvas. I like to doodle and write things down. You should see my old notebooks. They're filled with colorful writing, doodles, song lyrics, and anything else you can imagine. I want to get back to that so I left a lot of white space around the edges.
And there you have it. Shipped it off to Office Depot and the next week I had a beautimous personal planner.
Until next time...