Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Horror Movie of a Dream

Well. Last nights dream was certainly interesting in a terrifying way. Think, Life of Pi graphics mixed with Dr. Seuss and some crazy horror movie.

The dream started out with The National Observatory Society frantically trying to pick the location for some terrible astrological even that was supposed to happen soon. The ended up choosing a place that I'm assuming was somewhere in Japan. Or else there were a lot of Japanese-style influences in the town. It was a water town, like my previous American Idol dream, and the roads were actually waterways. I don't recall why it was important for me to be in this town, but it was crucial to the NOS. I remember swimming around in the waterways trying to get from point A to point B and then started to wonder what was I was swimming around with in these foreign waters. The next thing I know, a 'fish' pops out of the water and it looked a little something like this:

Dual Fish

(I know you're busy marveling over my drawing skills right now, so take a minute if you need it........ okay that should be enough.) That's just one fish with a view of both sides.... but it was essentially two fish glued together. They were talking to and arguing with each other. Then another fish jumped out that was a little more terrifying. I'll refrain from drawing that one, but it was like a human head (a very angry human head) on an eel body. And it was the color of an earthworm. And it was huge.

I immediately got out of the water at that point.

The next thing I know I'm on a ride (with seats similar to the Blazin' Fury, except it was just one cart) with Cory. The track was through a super long country house with multiple rooms/compartments. Each room was a different horror/murder scene. It was made to where the riders image was superimposed on murderers and the victim. So we're going through all these rooms and I'm terrified because this is clearly not your typical haunted house ride. Our final stop was in the kitchen. You could see that it was sunny outside and there were old blue curtains blowing in the breeze from an open window. The security bar holding us in the cart raised up and we were allowed to get out. The next scene started to play. This time my body wasn't superimposed on the murderer, but rather the murderer was superimposed onto me and I had no control over what was happening. The room was immediately splattered with blood and I remember turning around to get Cory's help and he was gooooooooonnnnnnnneeeeeeeeee.


Then I woke up.


Happy Thursday!

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