Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Happy Anniversary!

Today, Cory and I celebrate two years of marriage. Hooray! I missed a whole week's worth of blogging last week and thought a little bit of a back story on Cory and myself would be a good way to work myself back into the groove (look for homemade strawberry jam, peach fried pies and gardening in the near future). If you know us personally you've probably heard this story already, but if you don't, here ya go!

Short version first:


Long version:

We met in September 2007 at a small party in Knoxville that our mutual friends were having for the first UT football game of the season. I don't think we talked a whole lot outside of the normal small talk of "where are you from.. where do you go to school.. etc." Turns out Cory was from Chattanooga and currently resided there after making some bad decisions while attending UT-Knoxville. I ,myself, had attend UT-Chattanooga my first semester of college before, like Cory, making some bad decisions and coming back home. (And just as a side note: These bad decisions pretty much revolved around not going to class, we weren't hooked on prostitutes and alcohol or anything.) So anyway, we had that in common.

When my friend Emily and I were leaving that night, we passed Cory in the parking lot on the way out to our car, and I told him if I was ever in Chattanooga I would look him up.

The week following our introduction I was headed to Charlotte, NC to be trained for a new job at a portrait studio. Nights in the hotel we're pretty boring so I spent most of them on the internet, namely... MySpace. (I know, I know what the hell is MySpace...) I'm not sure at what point, or who made the friend request, but either way Cory and I were already linked. At that point you could tell when someone was online or not and Cory happened to be on. So, I posted a bulletin with my AIM screen name and said I was bored if anyone wanted to chat with the sole intention of getting Cory's attention. Annnnd he took the bait.

We chatted pretty much every night I was in Charlotte. After Charlotte I went to Atlanta to visit my dad, then to Chattanooga to spend the night with my best friend Jill who was still going to school at UTC. Cory and I had been texting and since I was in town we decided to go on lunch date.

First date to the Pickle Barrel and Coolidge Park was a success. From there we visited and dated back and forth between Knoxville and Chattanooga. During the months between October-January it was a little harder for dates as I was working 60+ hours a week at the studio, but we made it work.

In February of 2008 I decided to make the big move back to Chattanooga, and asked Cory if he fancied the idea of moving in with me. It was super soon and our friends we're a bit skeptical to say the least..(the very least). But we did it anyway.

I ended up going back to school at UTC for Graphic Design and Cory finally made the decision to get a computer science degree.

We were engaged in the fall of 2009 at Cory's favorite beach. He has been going there almost every year since he was a wee babe.

[caption id="attachment_322" align="alignnone" width="560"]Pawley's Island 2009 Pawley's Island 2009[/caption]

And then a year and a half of planning later... the wedding!



Now here we are two years later and expecting our first baby Taylor.

I'm beyond blessed for all the wonderful things life has brought to me in these 27 years, but I think Cory pretty much tops them all. Without that guy there's no telling where I'd be right now. All I know is that it wouldn't be near as great as where I am now!

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