Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Checking things off the list.

Ahhh. So nice. It was definitely a busy holiday weekend. With so much on the to-do list, my family (Mom, Brother, Sister-in-law) called Friday night and asked if we needed help. They made the 2 hour trek down to the house for the weekend. I cannot express how thankful Cory and I are for all the help they gave us this weekend. We were able to check off all but one thing from the weekend's to do list, but got a whole lot of other things accomplished as well.

The garage is clean. WHOA. Definitely not something I could really help with, but I tried to do as much as I could. We got a 20yd dumpster and it's almost completely filled with junk. When the rest of the furniture is moved out it'll be so nice. You can ACTUALLY fit 2 cars in here now.

[gallery ids="337,338,339,340,341,342,343,344,345,346,347"]

The burn pile is GONE.

[gallery ids="348,352,349,355,350,351,353,354,356"]

During the reclaiming of the grounds there were a number of wonderful things discovered. Those things include a PEACH TREE, BLUEBERRIES, and a PEAR TREE! I'm so excited about all of these things. I'm not sure we'll really get anything out of them this year, but now that I know they're there I can take much better care of them later.

Other things that were accomplished:

  • Laundry

  • The new couches were organizes and the big TV was moved to the 'new' living space.

  • Swept out the sun porch

  • Called our power company to come out and place a new internet line in the living room where the offices will be.

  • Trash was all picked up and thrown out

The only thing we didn't get to that was on the list for the weekend was moving everything out of the current office/nursery. However, it would be pointless to do this before we have our internet cable moved because its current location doesn't provide very good access in the other room across the house. Not to mention my new desk won't be in until later this week as well.

Outside of all the work, we were able to spend a little downtime too. Sunday morning we went to the local farmers market (BBQ Fest this week!) and got lots of goodies (new plants for the garden, boiled peanuts, donuts, local soda, fresh salsa, delicious BBQ... just to name a few), and we had an excellent lasagne dinner Sunday evening.  After the crew left, Cory and I rested a little then headed over to his mom's house for some burgers and hot dogs. I may or may not have eaten two burgers.

This will probably be the most successful weekend we have for a while. Cory and I have another weekend at home this week, so hopefully the nursery will be cleaned out and ready for paint by next week.

We're now accepting applications for landscaping around the front (Lori Ann....) and furniture movers for what's left over in the garage.

1 comment:

  1. So glad we could be of assistance! I really enjoyed the weekend and the family time. Much love ~ Mom
