Monday, July 8, 2013

A big thanks!

I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for their congrats and complements for the big reveal on Saturday. We had an excellent holiday weekend with family and letting everyone know we will be having a little girl made it that much better.

We also revealed her first name at the end, so in case you missed it, it will be Colette. Full name will be Colette Josephine, and we intend to call her Lettie. :)

[caption id="attachment_413" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Colette Josephine Taylor Colette Josephine Taylor[/caption]


In other news, we decided on a paint color for the nursery and the nursery furniture has arrived at our local Toys-R-Us! We'll be picking it up today or tomorrow. We're also going to look at cars today. Cory sold his 2-door Civic a few weeks ago as we don't think Colette and 2 dogs will fit comfortably in the backseat on our pretty frequent trips to see family.

This little girl isn't even here yet and she's already draining the funds! Now that we know we're having a she we should probably go ahead and start putting back money for proms and college and wedding. And maybe add on 3 or 4 jobs a piece. *sweats*

It's also time to get registered for baby showers. As a first time mom, I really have no idea what I need, so I've been searching and researching the web for practical lists of the do's and don'ts for registries and what I'll actually need. My plan is to make a preliminary list and send it to my sister-in-law, and possibly other mom's for guidance. And actually, now that I think about it. I'll probably post the list here so I can get feedback from any of you who are moms already!


1 comment:

  1. So excited the Lord is blessing you all with a baby girl! Callie told Dottie we need to go ahead and do a prearranged marriage between Knox and Lettie. So we don't all have to suffer through all the dating process. Sounds like a plan to me. Can't wait to see her! love lisa
