Friday, July 19, 2013

23 Weeks Pic

It's been a few weeks, thought it was time for another picture for the blog! There's no question I've packed on a couple baby pounds now! She seems to be swimming around quite a bit in there. Cory got to feel her a few days ago and that was pretty exciting.


23 weeks


23 weeks


23 weeks


Thanks goes to Billy Madison for the chalkboard quote today.

We went to Babies R Us and Target this week to get started on the registry and it was terribly overwhelming. I think we did a pretty good job. I'll be going back and forth comparing lists for a while, I'm sure, but definitely a good start. It's crazy to think that in just a few short months Colette will be here. Time has just flown by..... And there's still so much to do! Ahhhh! The nursery is officially cleaned out and ready for that paint. I'm going today to find some new light fixtures to be installed when the electric is done. I'm very ready to put the crib together and get started on the real decorating... just gotta get the paint on the walls first.

In other news, my dad will be up this weekend. We'll have a booth for Schultz Studios at the Pink Bridal Show at the Chattanooga Convention Center on Sunday. If you're planning a wedding, it's probably the place to be. Free food and swag. I'd go even if I wasn't getting married just to get all the free stuff!


I think that's all for now friends! Have an excellent weekend!

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